Monday, 28 June 2010

Punctuality----Part 1

Hey everyone, sorry for the late update.

This Saturday, 3rd July 2010, we're going to have a program called Punctuality.

It teaches us how to be punctual and why must we be punctual.

This program is lead by Sis. Leena.

Place----Canaan Baptist Church, English Worship Hall.

Time----4:30pm to latest by 6:30pm.

See u there!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Parents-Teenagers Day - 26 June 2010

Hey there boys and girls!

Ever had difficulty getting along with your parents? Or do your parents always say that they don't understand you?

Then do join us for this week's YTU program, specially co-organised with the Sunday School. Bring your parents along too!

It's gonna be a special talk 'How Do We Get Along?' by Sister Maple Wong, an experienced speaker, trainer, author and counselor for many radio and TV shows.

And don't starts at 4pm!

Sunday, 13 June 2010

How to LOVE your Enemies & Stranger

Hey Peeps, guess that u guys and girls are really excited for the upcoming program

Our Upcoming program is How to LOVE your Enemies & Stranger

Our speaker for the talk is------Bro Steven Low

see you there, same place, same time.

Monday, 7 June 2010

High Praise

Greetings ,

Yes, by looking at the title , u know what I'm gonna say . Is High Praise yes , but I'm going to say


Enjoy your EVERYDAY k : D Fill your 2 weeks , 14 days with lots of programs but still , come to church !

This Saturday , 12 June , 8 - 9.15 pm . The programme will be in Chinese but also will be interpreted into English.

See you there ;)